Warm Climate on Your Mind?
Join the movement and check out Arizona! The Phoenix Valley is known for more 340 days of annual sunshine, dry healthy weather and an abundance of entertanment, culinary optons and culture. Compared to other warm clmates in America Arizona rarely has humidity and offers the most spectacular sunsets (& sun rses!) served up daily. And the northern mountains have tall evergreens, lakes and streams for outdoorsmen, milder summers, mountain air and great snow for skiing – all within a few hours drive of Phoenix.
Arizona offers a variety of archtectural styles, low property taxes with communities new and old across the state. Sam is a Broker Associate Realtor in Arizona partnered with the Synergy Team at My Home Group. If you or someone you now is moving to Arizona, retiring, seeking a second home or nvestment property you can trust Sam to show your clents the best for the Phoenix valley and surroundng areas for ther needs. Search all properties with no advertsements at SynergyTeamAZ.com
Search Homes in the Arizona!
The Phoienix valley of Arizona is one of America’s most desirable Go-To markets AND fastest growing job market in America. With literally $BILLIONS in new corportate investment and HQ migrations, a full spectrum of job and career opportunities and a really bright future… literally! Search for homes now, with no advertisements & no annoying lead generation tricks to sell your private information to anyone, ever.
Search Arizona Properties For Sale
Looking for New Construction?
We are experienced with new construction and underst and the valuation in the market of new homes. We work with all the builders in maximizing the great incentives in financing, closing costs and build options that may be available. Since the economy, home inventory and interest rates are constantly in flux, builders often have flexibility in assisting new home buyers to get into the home of their dreams. Let us help you navigate the process to get the best deal from the builder of your choice.
Sam Gerardi | Realtor Associate Broker
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